Sound healing definitely works. How does it work, well, it has to do with the Hz or hertz within the track. Different frequencies benefit the human body in different ways. If you wish to experience this healing first hand, please contact me on the form below.

I can definitely confirm this after experiencing it my self time and time again. I personally listen to a frequency playlist every night while I sleep. I created a playlist on Spotify, called Sacred Souls - Tranquil Frequencies. I can feel the difference when I haven't used it, but my guess is you will need to try it out for yourself to find out. All my clients love the playlist and say they have found it beneficial.
Each chakra resonates at a specific frequency. According to Chakrakey.com, they are...
Root Chakra - Root - Muladhara - Red - 432 Hz
Sacral Chakra - Sacrum - Swadhisthana - Orange - 480 Hz
Solar Plexus Chakra - Naval - Manipura - Yellow - 528 Hz
Heart Chakra - Heart - Anahata - Green - 594 Hz
Throat Chakra - Throat - Vishuddha - Light Blue - 672 Hz
Third Eye Chakra - Brow - Ajna - Indigo - 720 Hz
Crown Chakra - Top of Head - Sahasrara - Purple - 768 H
