Please read before making an appointment with Sacred Souls.

Charla Rex - Sacred Souls

Yes, Charla Rex, Sacred Souls I agree that by booking an appointment for a Guided Energy Medicine
Alignment and/or Akashic Records Reading and/or Soul Call, I understand and will abide by
the following terms and conditions:

1. I certify that I am over 18 years old.
2. I agree that I take full responsibility for myself and release Charla Rex, Sacred Souls, your business and your team from any damages resulting in my participation whatsoever even if as a result of my, your, or their negligence.
3. I understand that this work requires a level of emotional and psychological fitness and that it is my responsibility to decide whether I am suitable to participate and by booking an appointment, I am confirming that I am.
4. I understand that you (Charla Rex, Sacred Souls) reserve the right to exclude my access at any time or to any of your appointments at any point if you determine that my participation is not a good fit.
5. I understand that by sharing my email on the scheduler that I may receive emails from Charla Rex, Sacred Souls regarding my session or information from Charla Rex, Sacred Souls in the future.
6. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to consult a medical professional before booking an appointment and failure to do so is my responsibility. Charla Rex, Sacred Souls is released from all responsibility and damages.
7. I understand and agree that music with binaural beats may be played during one or more of the sessions with Charla Rex, Sacred Soul. It is my responsibility as the attendee to seek professional, medical advice if I am prone to seizures or epilepsy before booking an appointment with Charla Rex, Sacred Souls. Non disclosure may result in a cancellation.
8. I understand and agree that the information given during the sessions are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and are for entertainment purposes only.
9. I agree and understand that all content, videos, images and written word are the sole property of Charla Rex, Sacred Souls and may not be used. I would be in breach of copyright and could be subject to legal action.
10. I agree and understand that I will be respectful towards Charla Rex, Sacred Souls during appointments and that abuse of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate termination of the appointment and will be permanently banned from booking any future appointments.
11. I agree to cancel in advance, with a minimum of a 24 hour notice period if I am unable to attend an appointment and understand that I may not be able to rebook if I fail to do so.


© 2023 Sacred Souls

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